As a community, we have rules for the treatment of misbehavior. Treatment must be applied consistently. Everyone in a community knows that all will be treated equally, else demoralization will diminish the integrity of the community. Demoralization, corruption, decay… these changes are well-known in a community crumbling away toward the hazy memory of the past. We know this.
In our community of the United States of American, the recent misbehavior is clear. President Bush, Vice President Cheney, attorneys specific to invasion of privacy and torture, most of a Congress as gullible as a simple-minded child. All have abused the privilege of their appointment. We saw this.
The passing of the Administration is irrelevant. Not even irrelevant, since the failure to deal with misbehavior at an appropriate time is itself punishable. Of course, the same players are involved in the crime, the judgement and treatment, so the outcome is no surprise. We fear this.
After many of the historic tragedies of human misbehavior, there have been public trials to ensure that all recognize and face the crimes. It is important to the survivors, to the process of healing, and the hope for recovery. We have seen, in recent history, misdeeds repeated again and again. The checks and balances are failing to operate. We experienced this.
To pretend that we can move on in wishful optimism without addressing with the recent crimes is negligent and will have consequences. Many important conditions in a community are at risk: trust, honesty, fairness, equity. Our economic recovery will be shallow and weak if the strength of our confidence and self-respect is not restored. Actions from our new leadership can be blunted with weak arguments when the failures in the past are not made plainly apparent. We fear this.
It takes the strength of conviction to stand up and raise the call for an accounting. In our community, this must come from the voices of the people first, then amplified by Congress. Congress is full of foolish hypocrites, so the voices of the people need to be strong, steady and loud. We need this.
The future could hold an unsteady rise in strength at risk for sudden unexplainable falls in social health. It could see a strong and rapid climb to heights of social greatness. There is a choice to make. We can do this.