I’m watching the Frontline show of this name.
When G.W. Bush was re-elected, the world wondered how so many Americans could be so stupid. Those stupid people are still with us.
The screamers at the town meetings during the summer of 2009. The Tea Party paranoia. How can so many people be convinced to invest their personal anger and energy to fight against their own security? It’s health care! You don’t think that the corporate interests for health insurance and pharmaceuticals, with clear evidence of the millions they spend on propaganda, are working hard to protect their profits? This is the United Corporations for America, not the United States of America! The Supreme Court has confirmed this.
The death panels are run by the insurance companies, for which there is plenty of evidence. Yet, the media and politicians are swayed by the outbursts of those most susceptible to propaganda: the stupid who are still among us. If you can’t think beyond the propaganda and follow the money, the embarrassment of your stupidity should keep you quiet.
Instead of getting taxes on the wealthy (who, in case you haven’t been paying attention increased their wealth by a huge percentage through decreases taxes while your income has been flat since the Reagan “revolution”) to pay for your health insurance, you now have a mandate to pay a corporation for your health insurance, when that corporation is primarily interested in profit. Why do you want the government to keep its fingers off this but want a corporation to be guaranteed to have their fingers in your wallet?