We are all one humanity.
From Australopithecus, four million years go, who walked this Earth like we do. With all the humans who have lived and died for thousands of years. To all the people who are alive now, Now, NOW, in this very moment at which you are considering the word you are reading NOW. It is a continuous, unbroken, unending thread binding us together.
A thread of life runs between all of us and connects all of us NOW.
We can seek entertainment. We can pass the time. We can contemplate the scents of flowers and trees and swamps and people. We can focus every effort of concentration on how to make a better fire extinguisher. We can build something millions will give us money for. We can take from others what they will not freely give. We can sit atop a fiery rocket and fly around the Earth. There is so much we do. There is so much we can do.
We have taken this Planet Earth. We have taken all of its resources Our population has felt no bounds. We have acted as if there were no limits. But, there are limits. The Earth is round. You cannot keep going and find new places. You will return to where you started. After you have completed that journey you will know that you have taken more and given back less because you are where you started. Simply being here, at the end of this thread, means that you are taking what is ahead of you.
The thread that binds us together cannot be broken. You cannot be what you are not. When you are young, you think you are different. You are new. You are unique. You are special. You are going where no one has gone before.
You are not.
When you are older, you realize that the discoveries that seem so new and special are simple ideas that anyone can think of. Many probably do think of. The victors are creations of our imagination. They are not unique. There are others who have the idea, but not the fortune to be recognized. Given time, the fortunate will be seen.
Do chimpanzees think about who was alive 10,000 years ago? 10,000 years from now? Maybe those calm eyes we see in gorillas are windows to wise souls beyond our imagination. We will not know their thoughts, but we know that they walk this Planet besides us. We should not take their path and push them aside.
We are a continuous thread throughout aeons of time that connects all life to all that is inanimate in the Universe.
Connect to everything around you. Do not break the thread.