Here in the USA we have a document that defines the framework we as a society will live by and declares those rights and freedoms that are granted to everyone. The concept is reasonable, it’s a fine starting point for the rules of a community. Obviously, we now know that some parts of this fine Constitution are not correct, so we’ve changed them. Slavery, for example. That was obviously a bad idea, but some wackos convinced themselves that it is okay, just like others decide that it’s just fine to take the lives of others. Those are not acceptable and the rules need to reflect that. I think we’ve spend enough time now that we can write down the final version and be done with it. We obviously aren’t going to have slavery. No spying on citizens. Women are going to have control over their bodies. There isn’t going to be a separation of church and state, because there’s only going to be a state.
We are not a bunch of wild animals. So why do we act like it so often? When people are not satisfied that they have security in their sensible life, they will seek the easiest action to take what they need. You cannot ask more of any life.
Religion was an early experiment in writing the rules of a society. It’s an old approach to political systems that’s now irrelevant and long superseded by modern political systems, such as Democracy. Anyone who believes in god simply has to make a substitution in their words, replacing “god” with “your fellow people”. “your fellow people” are great. Go ahead and substitute “Bible or Koran or your book” with “the Constitution”.
Look, it’s pretty clear that the correct political system has been made apparent. There shouldn’t be any discussion of this, simply because the answer is obvious from all the failures we’ve experienced. In fact, we’ve experienced failures repeatedly. We should be done. We will have a simple labor and earnings system that gives everyone work and pays everyone similar amounts regardless of whether they stamp out cookies or pretend that they can effectively run an organization of workers without treating every worker in that organization as a peer, an equal. Really, everyone is the same. You just imagine that you’re more important than other people.
Hey, you know, this experiment with borders and identifying with arbitrary nationalities or tribes, it’s pretty much resolved, too. It didn’t work. We do away with it. Yeah, that’s world government. Makes perfect sense, since we live together on this one world.
Come on, folks. You’ve gotta get up and travel to a spot where you can join your compatriots and the expression of your common will to create a better world for everyone. Let’s have the a natural revolution and take the resolution of all these issues and move into a simpler world of peace and fulfillment of every single one of us. Oh, and all the plants and animals of the world, too.