Throughout the first few decades of the 20th Century, mine workers in West Virginia struggled to unionize against mine owners who controlled every facet of their lives. At times, it was an armed rebellion, the largest since the Civil War. At its peak, it was the largest battle of armed American against the armed hired gunmen of the Mine owners plus local, state and federal law enforcement. 10,000 armed workers marched thru forests and were shot at and bombed by government forces. Workers fought for their rights. Owners fought to oppress them. The government fought to preserve the power of the owners to run the mines and miners’ lives as they felt necessary to extract their wealth.
Are you a gun owner? Which side do you identify with? Are you going to take up arms to fight with working people trying to bring about the strength of a union to oppose the power of the elites? Or do you fight for a government that works for the company masters?
The Republicans are the party of corporate power. Why do you gun-owning individualists fight for their side? Whether you vote with a gun or with a pen, you need to realize that you are a socialist working person, not a trumpeter for the wealthy class. You should be voting for Bernie Sanders, not Donald Trump.
If you don’t see this then you need to start understanding the brainwashing you’ve been living with.