I am a white male. I was in the Denver sister march on January 21st. It was a wonderful experience! It was very reassuring to be in a group of like-minded people, not as an angry rally opposed to others, but as a positive expression of human rights. Women’s rights are human rights, women’s lives matter, just like black lives matter. That doesn’t mean that only women’s rights matter. It recognizes that women are underrepresented because of mistreatment. I hope that more women will get involved in politics and hope that it will bring in a calm, peaceful, thoughtful, healthy point of view in all human rights and needs. I was there to support that. The Trump campaign and its expression of a return to old ways is an attempt by angry white men to keep their power over the world. There should be a litmus test for political office: do you believe that man has dominion over the Earth to consume all resources without consideration for the welfare of all life now and for future generations? If so, then you are not fit for office. We need the careful vision that comes from being able to bring life into the world, not a view that it is okay to make others create life in your own image. This is wisdom that our mothers and sisters can bring to our politics.
From the Denver Sister March on Washington
Category: Politics