Watched the movie Loving (2016) tonight. Great lines in there when Virgil tells Rich that he’s a black man now, because he’s experienced the oppressive discrimination that the blacks around him are always subjected to.
It is amazing to be alive on this beautiful planet. By virtue of being born, we each have a full life to live as best as we can, without constraint.
Many people suffer throughout their lives. That is not because the planet is oppressive. It is because other people are. That misery is a human creation.
Some of us are fortunate to live a life with so many riches. That is not because the Earth is better in our location. We did not earn it. It is simple fate.
It is our obligation to share what we have with those who are in need. We have grown beyond fear for our own security. We should not live as forebearers did. Each generation need not start over from scratch.
We can all live the fullest life possible with all that we have together.