Why is our US government engaging in the same juvenile behavior as is exemplified in the historic Israeli-Palestinian conflict? Our middle-eastern brothers have a never-ending conflict because they react to violence with violence. This is the same behavior seen in family feuds, schoolyard hatred and gang violence. It is seen throughout human group behavior. Why…
No, but America’s Capitalist Leadership Is
No, Americans are not stupid, not all of them. But the political and corporate leadership who continually push America into financial experiments with free market Capitalism… they are stupid. They are the ones who ignore lessons from the past can continue to idealistically trumpet the marketplace. Some of them are able to achieve the American…
Are Americans Stupid?
I watched “Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room” tonight. It is a great example of the unbridled greed which overcomes Americans when they decide that they can be trusted to make decisions about other people’s lives and money. We regulate industries because we don’t trust people to those decisions. Why does we think that…
Ethics and Law-Breaking
Another thought spin-off from watching “Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room” results from a statement by one of the people interviewed, who said that he felt that what he was doing could be unethical, or worse. What is worse than unethical? Is there anything in personal life which could be more painful than believing…
Congress Kills
Sure, that’s a sensational title. About the same as the sign carried by a child saying that “Obama Lies, People Die” (or something like that; maybe it was about grandma). There have been publications that around 20,000 people a year die in America because of the lack of health care. Then, Congress can take the…