Another thought spin-off from watching “Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room” results from a statement by one of the people interviewed, who said that he felt that what he was doing could be unethical, or worse. What is worse than unethical? Is there anything in personal life which could be more painful than believing…
Congress Kills
Sure, that’s a sensational title. About the same as the sign carried by a child saying that “Obama Lies, People Die” (or something like that; maybe it was about grandma). There have been publications that around 20,000 people a year die in America because of the lack of health care. Then, Congress can take the…
The Glory of Capitalism
Just saw a TV commercial promoting a cap-and-trade system for carbon emissions, to cool the climate and heat up the economy. That was followed by a Burger King commercial promoting eating cows. Ain’t capitalism great? The juxtaposition of addressing a really serious, I mean, really, really, really serious problem threatening the entire world and life…
Human Rights and the Great Greed Frenzy
Just read a quote from H.R. Clinton in China, “Human rights cannot interfere with the global economic crisis, the global climate change crisis and the security crises.” She doesn’t get it. I fear that many of our leaders don’t get it. The global economic crisis is caused by the failure to respect human rights, fundamentally! Every…
The Mysterious Speed of Light
One of the great mysteries of modern (the last 100 years) physics is the constancy of the speed of light. You’ve probably seen the famous E = mc^2, or Einstein equals Mr. Speed of Light squared. That’s not related to the constancy, but c is a constant in that equation. Well, the same Einstein developed…