I am a white male. I was in the Denver sister march on January 21st. It was a wonderful experience! It was very reassuring to be in a group of like-minded people, not as an angry rally opposed to others, but as a positive expression of human rights. Women’s rights are human rights, women’s lives…
A New Coalition Government for the USA
Instead of electing the POTUS, who then appoints a cabinet, we (optionally) eliminate the office of the President and instead elect the cabinet level leaders directly. They would still be part of the executive branch of government. We would promote the involvement of minor parties and essentially eliminate the Democratic and Republican parties, which we’ve…
Cannot create a secure computer
I don’t trust the big computer vendors and their clouds, namely Apple and Microsoft. I don’t trust the big cloud providers. ISPs make it too costly or impossible to have my own server. So, how do I even get my own client system that stores all my files encrypted has security, integrity and trust? FOSS….
Brainwashed Gun Owners
Throughout the first few decades of the 20th Century, mine workers in West Virginia struggled to unionize against mine owners who controlled every facet of their lives. At times, it was an armed rebellion, the largest since the Civil War. At its peak, it was the largest battle of armed American against the armed hired gunmen…
Star Wars: A Force Yawns
Let’s start with the story, because that’s the most important element of the movie to me. I’ve read a dozen or more Star Wars novels. I know the Expanded Universe (EU) story line pretty well now. There are a lot of great stories within the EU, such as the corruption of Jacen Solo, his seduction…