Dear young people of USA, it’s your turn to make the nation better. Those of us activists made in the 1960s and 1970s expected to have our turn at governance. We protested the Vietnam War, we protested racism, we created Earth Day, we thought we would roll into Congress and make the nation into a…
Ebola and Mandatory Quarantine
The debate about mandatory quarantine for Ebola in the USA is a good example of how poorly the nation addresses important questions. Climate Change is a primary example. The Ebola quarantine issue is a relatively concise sample of the same thinking with many of the same political actors influencing the outcome. This also illustrates the nuances…
Why do we have to do it all over again?
Here’s another fundamentalist essay. Someone in a mailing list said, and I quote: This is the Socialist Party of the Netherlands version of our “Statement of Principles”. I thought members might find it interesting and maybe use it for discussion purposes at a meeting. Compare ours to theirs. and my response is: I also think…
Let’s get this all cleared up
Here in the USA we have a document that defines the framework we as a society will live by and declares those rights and freedoms that are granted to everyone. The concept is reasonable, it’s a fine starting point for the rules of a community. Obviously, we now know that some parts of this fine…
Civil Bankruptcy
I just finished watching the movie Snowpiercer(2014). Morally devoid and conceptually stupid. After having watched Frontline about ISIS earlier in the evening, with all the unnecessary snuff film footage, Snowpiercer was brutal. The basic plot, that you can wantonly kill people with all the latest first-person-shooter-game violence you can think of, for the sake of…