Tonight the TV news ran a story interviewing a guy who’s home was damaged by the recent storm. The guy filed claims and his insurance company dropped him, or something like that. He suggested that people might not want file small claims. The news show reinforces this message. Isn’t this great for insurance companies? Their…
Category: Politics
Lifetime Advertising
The Lifetime Television channel shows a huge ad in the corner of the screen while a movie is on. Other channels show distracting ads during the time the movie or show is on. Why does the stupid television industry think there isn’t enough advertising? Tv commercials are in theaters. It’s stupid because ads are ineffective….
Arizona Byeways
I thought Arizona was such a tolerant place for foreigners. Their state flag practically gives it all away to Japan (looks like a rising… star… to me). But, it is now clearly the State of Stupid.
The “S” Word
Congress was said to use the “S” word a lot during today’s hearing on Goldman Sucks… Sorry, wrong “S” word. The “S” word is Stupid! Stupid is to be applied to Congress for deregulating the financial “industry”, an “industry” which is institutionalized gambling and controls what has grown into a huge fraction of the US…
Let’s Make Our Kids More Stupid
Saw a news spot tonight about public education. An “expert” was interviewed and explained that the financial catastrophe means that money must be taken away from public education, and it isn’t coming back. The conclusion of the piece was that US education must make do with less. It already famously has so little! Teachers, who…