The right-wing blow-hards, like Rush Limbaugh, need to back off. We have plenty of evidence that one man and his Republican Party can turn our nation from budget surpluses to near destruction in two terms of his Presidency.
We need to work. What we don’t need is to work building bombs and weapons of mass destruction, followed by exporting them to wage wars around the world. The military-industrial complex is a large corporate welfare project. Anyone who claims that creating jobs in the interest of educating ourselves in museums is misspent needs to start arguing for job cuts in the DoD. Any job in service of others, which doesn’t have the goal of simply making money, should be considered for a stimulus.
It’s high time for right wing politicians to end their fantasies that their dreary, Spartan dream is a wonderful world for all of us. It’s time for the most wealthy to end their frantic effort to get all of the money and come out of their wonderful magazine-shoot mansions to embrace real life as we know it.
We all know that we can create a balanced, sustainable life for ourselves and truthfully be good stewards of the Earth. We just have to stop pretending that the arguments we use to justify having more than others make sense. You can only justify profiting off of others if you are worth more than they are, and you are not.