Across the great span of human history, the stupid people have dominated. They take what they want. They kill others. The cannot see the beauty of life. They see only the pleasure of their own profit. They spoil the world, write stories about their value and make movies about it. In this world, that outlook…
Category: Stupidity
The Continuity of Life
When I think back on my long life, I realize the great span of life that I am a part of. My parents were alive when I was conceived, their parents where alive when they were conceived. There were no breaks. No one spontaneously came out of nothingness. There is a continuous span of life,…
Morons Are Governing America #MAGA
Polls have often shown that Trump supporters believe demonstrable falsehoods, yet have adopted Trump’s identification of inconvenient facts as “fake news”. There are multiple ways to explain such behavior. They are simply conned by propaganda. they ignore everything during the ecstasy of finding someone who promises to fulfill their hopes and dreams. There’s relevance for…
Stupidity of Our Political Leaders
“adapt or die” –unknown Take climate change, for example. To some extent, it doesn’t matter what the cause is. The facts are well established. What are we going to do about it? Adapt or die, some say. But to do nothing about it, to act as a simple animal, to not use all…
Still Not Optimistic
I am reading a biography of Ronald Reagan (“Sleepwalking Through History” by Haynes Johnson). Donald Trump is pictured in the book and also described as a symbol of the Reagan years product of self-promoting greed, over-hyped success, and accumulation and flaunt of wealth. Inaugural balls and subsequent events gave the rich and famous ample opportunity…