Obama announces a historic failure of the Democratic party to reach a budget deal with Republicans. Why is he smiling about it? He and Reid announce a “historic” “compromise”. A compromise is when you want something and your opponent want something, and you agree to give and take. When what you want is to NOT lose, it’s not a compromise, it’s a mugging. A mugger comes up to you and says “give me all your money!”. You reach a deal with the mugger to give him 50% of your money. You call that a compromise? You lost!
Who are the Democrats working for? Their behavior is difficult to explain. They should be asking for tax increases, more social support, single-payer health insurance, a real jobs program, help for the States and shutting down the wars! Then match Republican threats to shut down the federal government. THEN COMPROMISE by GIVING spending cuts on wars and GETTING a real jobs program, or some variation on this GIVE and GET.