When I think back on my long life, I realize the great span of life that I am a part of. My parents were alive when I was conceived, their parents where alive when they were conceived. There were no breaks. No one spontaneously came out of nothingness. There is a continuous span of life, going back in time, continuous through humans, pre-human primates, earlier primates, through all life forms back to the beginning of life itself. We are a part of this span of all life, a continuous ribbon of life through time.
When I travel on a major interstate highway, I think about how it is a continuous span for transportation. There are no breaks. Cars do not disappear at one point and reappear further along their travel. It is a continuous ribbon of travel. If I could pluck it and it would vibrate like a string, that vibration would travel along its entire length, to the ends of a continuous span.
I came from the west on I-70 to where I live now. Other people here came from the east on I-70. Some people will tell that story when you ask them how they got here. If someone answered that they didn’t come along the familiar means of travel, but that they came from the stars or a magical place above the stars, we would laugh at their imagination.
People who believe that they life began recently with an act of supernatural creation are wrong. Their mythology does not warrant serious consideration in this modern world. We understand much more about life and the universe that our ancestors did in the age of religion. We are right to laugh at the stories of how those people arrived here.
Myths of religion are much more harmful to humanity than simple innocent stories of creation. They spawn beliefs that are used by malicious people to justify their abuse of others in their effort to rule over them. We need to rid humanity of these harmful mythologies. They have no place in our world.