Across the great span of human history, the stupid people have dominated. They take what they want. They kill others. The cannot see the beauty of life. They see only the pleasure of their own profit. They spoil the world, write stories about their value and make movies about it. In this world, that outlook is reproduced. That is the fitness of survival. On the other hand, the slow progress that has been made by humanity has been made by a small number of smart people. The think beyond their own existence. They imagine improving the lives of all of humanity. They are intellectuals. It has led to the wonders of music, literature, art, science, technology, math. They are the noble people. They are conservative and do not reproduce in great numbers. They are not fit in the struggle of species.
Is this the end of this story? Will the stupid ones continue to rule until they collapse under the thoughtless mass of their own making? What will the noble people do? There are options. They can work harder to bring reason to the stupid people. Many have tried. They can devise a way to eliminate the stupid people. That would bring about a much more pleasant world. They can create an enclave to protect themselves from the collapse of stupidity. Later, they emerge to retake the world. Even in that seemingly most pleasant option there is a risk of of repeating the past. How can the stupid ones be removed permanently?
The future of humanity depends upon this.