I’m glad that the Tea Party people oppose TARP and other bailouts for the rich and for corporations. I’m a liberal and oppose these methods by which the powerful extract even more wealth from the lower classes. These scams are incredible in the bold, fearless direct fleecing of the masses. They change regulatory law to allow the scam, extract money, then exclaim the need for government help, thereby obtain billions more of US dollars. It is simply brilliant to use the government to abet these crimes, through which they are by not crime. If perpetrated by an individual, a crime, but when perpetrated in the name of the people, there seems no limit in the crime which will raise ire and penalty.
That much, I can agree with. Beyond this, however, the Tea Partiers are seen simply as pissed-off Republicans. They may be upset but do not understand the connection between their unfettered capitalist philosophy and the rugged individualism which is people who rip you off. A recent poll shows that a large majority of these people are enamored with Sarah Palin. This must be terribly confusing (or stupid). Palin, who initially supported TARP (naively buying the line that saving the economy depended upon making sure that the wealthy are not disturbed), is the reigning queen of hot stupid. Her performance in the presidential election should have sunk her career, but people have rationalized sanity away in order hold her up on that pedestal.
The Tea Party should recognize that they are being used by the Republicans, including the opportunist-in-leather, Sarah Palin. Yet, they are inexplicably tongue-tied, and a little giddy with the attention of a wink and a smile.
Don’t forget, Tea People, your Sarah can give you a pardon with a big smile while grinding the rest of you through dirty little metal devices which will drain your blood.