Here’s a letter to the New York Times that I am composing. Unfortunately, this short message is way too long. A 150 word limit? How can one reason in such a small space?
Paul Krugman’s column, “The War on Logic”, reminds me of a phrase which I thought would be an excellent slogan for anyone’s presidential campaign against G.W. Bush. “It’s the Stupidity, Stupid!” This slogan continues to be relevant now, as the Republicans continue what appears to be a long-range plan to dumb down America.
American politics has long been dominated by voting political minorities. I would describe this Republican strategy as an effort to marshal the stupid people in America into a voting block. If Republican leaders were honest about this, they would declare a War on Logic, and explain how critical thinking is a threat to National Security.
Our political leaders appear to be content with increasing numbers of stupid people. I don’t know how else to explain how public education is eroding and how improving education is such a low priority in the context of budgetary crises. The choices to resolve these issues should not be difficult to make, because the issues are clearly described and our reasoning abilities should be sufficient. Complex systems can have unpredictable outcomes, but these are not complex issues. However, there is an intentional effort to obfuscate through the schoolyard tactics of emotional distraction, bullying, threats, mud-slinging and more. Such childish behavior should be clearly exposed when encountered, especially on the floors of Congress.
I’m glad that someone of national intellectual stature is so clearly challenging this brainwashing of America. We are in dire need of more of this intellectual courage.
Category: Stupidity