Another in my favorite theme, “It’s the Stupidity, Stupid!”. This is a letter to the New York Times.
The article published January 1, “Divided House Passes Tax Deal in End to Latest Fiscal Standoff”, summarizes well the political situation. What is at the root of this? “It’s the Stupidity, Stupid!” If Republicans really wanted to end deficit spending, they should be happy with going over the cliff and an across-the-board cut. Complaints about tax increases is a ruse, as seen in the idiotic extend some Congresspeople strain logic to describe the end of the temporary Bush tax cut as a tax increase. In reality, Republicans are primarily motivated by helping themselves, to more income, less taxes and using government to transfer money to their friends through subsidies and tax breaks, and to make it easier to make money from money instead of labor. History has shown clearly that when Republicans hold more power in Washington, they launch expansive deficit spending, to increase the Defense budget (wars and more for military-industrial corporate welfare), subsidize farms (more corporate welfare) and more. What’s the big deal about returning taxes to pre-Bush levels? We should recognize that the Bush cuts were simply another example in the class battle to transfer wealth. Fundamentally, we need at least a reboot to how things were before the Bush wars and the Bush wealth transfers and the Clinton power transfer to Wall Street, before the corporate welfare of the War on Terror, the futility of the War on Drugs. Those were stupid decisions, so we need to reverse them. Stop the Stupidity and Let’s Start Over.