This one really ranks up there with stupid moves. I went to the Fox Theater to see Perpetual Groove. I really like that band, and the tickets were at a good price! I don’t go out to concerts much, and a 9pm start is really late, but I really like them. Got in there when the doors opened. Was really excited. Band starts a little after 9. They don’t sound anything like PGroove! I saw that the stage was fully set up. All the right stuff was there, with keyboards. I thought PGroove would start out. They didn’t say anything about their name, just started playing. I don’t know what they look like, and I know they have country rock influences. So, I convinced myself that the change in band members really changed their sound, since the album I have from 2003. After four songs, I was really board with the bass player and drummer, so I left! My wife and I walked all around town looking for live music, between 10-11pm. Couldn’t find anything! Boulder was dead.
I’m stupid!
It didn’t dawn on me until the next day. That was the warmup band. I don’t remember anything on the Fox site when I bought tickets. Nothing printed on the tickets. What a stupid move! I left before the main act! I am so embarrassed! I like PGroove so much, and I could have seen an awesome show at a nice little club, the Fox.
This really puts me in the Stupid American category!
Category: Stupidity