This morning, I was doing calculations in my head involving dividing by the number of months in a year. 12, yeah. Divide by 12. It would be a lot easier if it was 10. Why not have 10 months per year? 36.5 days per month. Look, it’s already easier (dividing 365 days by 10)! So,…
Use your Brain
If you think the world is so big we’ll never pollute it we can engineer our way out of food and water shortages human-caused climate change is a myth gas is cheap, I’m buying a big car everyone can be a billionaire everyone is qualified to be a politician…
Are Physics Theories Unique?
There are some theories in physics that make me feel uncomfortable. I tend to be a contrarian, always looking for alternative explanations. Underdogs appeal to me. Sometimes I think about putting all of physics into a symbolic math package so that I can change assumptions or make other modifications and run the implications throughout the…
Conflict Minerals and Human Population
I’m a tech geek. I love computers. I have since my first encounter with them, in the early 1970s. The reason is similar to why I like books so much: the intrinsic value is dense – they have a lot of information in a small volume. I admit that I have too many computers. They…
A Utopian Manifesto
Here in the USA, we pretend that the Stock Market reflects how well the nation is. That’s the message pushed by mainstream media and capitalists. It doesn’t. There are many people in America who are suffering without work, without livable wages, without health care, without safe food and water, without good living conditions. In the…