Here’s a letter that I wrote to the “casework” in Grassley’s office regarding another area of the Federal Government which needs investigation: I’m having trouble with a part of the US Federal Government. The web page says I should use this address for contact. There is someone digging for dirt to throw against the…
Rush the Blowhard
The right-wing blow-hards, like Rush Limbaugh, need to back off. We have plenty of evidence that one man and his Republican Party can turn our nation from budget surpluses to near destruction in two terms of his Presidency. We need to work. What we don’t need is to work building bombs and weapons of mass…
Accounting for Misbehavior
As a community, we have rules for the treatment of misbehavior. Treatment must be applied consistently. Everyone in a community knows that all will be treated equally, else demoralization will diminish the integrity of the community. Demoralization, corruption, decay… these changes are well-known in a community crumbling away toward the hazy memory of the past….