I follow a couple of YouTubers who report on developments in the technological realm of AI and robotics. Recently, one described work at Meta on a home companion/helper robot based on the “dog” platform that many robot developers have adopted. Give Meta credit for opportunistic exploitation of the love that people have for dogs. The…
Category: Technology
Let’s Simplify Dating
This morning, I was doing calculations in my head involving dividing by the number of months in a year. 12, yeah. Divide by 12. It would be a lot easier if it was 10. Why not have 10 months per year? 36.5 days per month. Look, it’s already easier (dividing 365 days by 10)! So,…
Cannot create a secure computer
I don’t trust the big computer vendors and their clouds, namely Apple and Microsoft. I don’t trust the big cloud providers. ISPs make it too costly or impossible to have my own server. So, how do I even get my own client system that stores all my files encrypted has security, integrity and trust? FOSS….
Social Networks and Privacy
There’s been a lot of news about Ello, a new social network on the block, but one that promises privacy, in contrast with Facebook. Why don’t people know that diaspora* has been around for a long time, has over a million users and respects privacy and has no ads? Here’s an article about this.
Cantor’s Infinities
This idea of different levels of infinity is, like, patently dumb. We’re talking about Infinity, you know. There will always be another integer that you can map every rational number into, because, well, there are an infinite number! There is only one infinite. You only need one. Before even considering this, though, I would say…