I tried Tumblr for a short time. Just deleted my own account. I just don’t get some of it. Great to create content, as they say, but what about finding it and valuing it. I don’t want to follow a ton of people just to hope to happen upon something interesting. Searching for tags? Too…
Category: Technology
Steve Jobs
I’m depressed to know that Steve Jobs has died. His 2005 Stanford commencement address is getting a lot of attention. I just watched it. It really is very good. “Keep looking, don’t settle.” “Stay hungry, stay foolish.” Wonderful wisdom for how to live life. I think the fundamental message is, do what you love. Are…
Google Executive
I think it’s funny how The Google Executive in Egypt is credited with the revolution, and is identified as The Google Executive instead of as a citizen of a particular country. Google is a nation! Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7
Furious workprecision controlled chaosa concentration excluding the Universe from ey, mind or dreamssquint, hold your breath, grunt!Stand motionless in the night. Climb highdon’t look backa life of fear doesn’t protect from death in the darknesscringe, hunched shoulders, sighSit quietly staring into space. Thunder rumbleflames burn brighta million punds push away from the bounds of earthpant,…