"adapt or die" --unknown
Take climate change, for example. To some extent, it doesn’t matter what the cause is. The facts are well established. What are we going to do about it? Adapt or die, some say. But to do nothing about it, to act as a simple animal, to not use all rational analysis and creative problem-solving, to choose avarice over survival… that is willful stupidity.
We are at the mercy of stupid people who have chosen their own mortal gratification over the survival of our planet. But, they have no mercy. The stupid are unable to contemplate their mortal role in our collective doom. They have chosen stupid people, like themselves, to proxy their choices.
Those of us who are intelligent enough to appreciate this world that we live in… we are faced with a dilemma about how to handle these stupid people. We try to be tolerant, to be understanding. We try to educate them. They have a shell of simple ideology and personal myths that resists the penetration of reason.
We continue to live with stupidly and we are then victim of our own stupidity, for this is the greatest crisis, this is at the root of all of the world’s problems, be it overpopulation, bomb-making, financial collapse or climate change. We let stupid people have too much power. We need to change that.
A discussion of stupidity must be made in the public commons. I propose that major political parties adopt a campaign against stupidity in their core platform. Any party that will not do this is obviously too stupid to support. We could even form an anti-Stupidity political party of our own. The UN should have a directorate addressing stupidity and the future of humanity (people who oppose the UN are stupid – this is one litmus test of stupidity).
We must work hard, and work now, to rid the world of stupidity. Our future depends on this.