Just read a quote from H.R. Clinton in China, “Human rights cannot interfere with the global economic crisis, the global climate change crisis and the security crises.”
She doesn’t get it. I fear that many of our leaders don’t get it.
The global economic crisis is caused by the failure to respect human rights, fundamentally! Every human has the fundamental right to life in a clean, healthy, happy, pleasant, stable, balanced world. The greedy self-indulgence to profit at the cost of the well being of others, and the collapse of the unsupportable pinnacle of greed which is the crisis, has created tremendous suffering. What could be more of an abuse of human rights, because of the global scale of this crisis?
Many of the sources of suffering throughout the world, from lack of food, clean water, warfare, results from the failure to put human rights first. The right treatment of people, doing so first, making human comfort a top priority, will precede the solution to all of these other problems.
Such foolishness from one of our most visible leaders is very disheartening.