I saw a headline suggesting that we all relax because the net cost to taxpayers for the TARP bailout would be ONLY $42 Billion. The incredibly complex and derided LHC particle collider cost $9B. America and Congress can throw around tens of billions of dollars without blinking, yet the much lower cost of science is…
The Right Wing Blubbers at it Again
The right wingnuts are blubbering that Obama is destroying the economy, the nation, the constitution, our Holy Capitalist and has pushed away the slice of Apple Pie before him, the Socialist. The Republicants have stopped Obama at every turn! How could Obama be accomplishing so much? The blubbers could be conning the Stupid Americans or…
The Right Wing Blubbers at it Again
The right wingnuts are blubbering that Obama is destroying the economy, the nation, the constitution, our Holy Capitalist and has pushed away the slice of Apple Pie before him, the Socialist. The Republicants have stopped Obama at every turn! How could Obama be accomplishing so much? The blubbers could be conning the Stupid Americans or…
Poll shows how stupid Republicans are
This is taken from an article at Common Dreams: a large portion of GOP voters think that President Obama is racist, socialist or a non-US citizen This shows how incredibly misguided many Americans are because of right-wing propaganda. How well this propaganda is metabolized shows an incredible lack of intelligence. That’s just plain stupid!
Poll shows how stupid Republicans are
This is taken from an article at Common Dreams: a large portion of GOP voters think that President Obama is racist, socialist or a non-US citizen This shows how incredibly misguided many Americans are because of right-wing propaganda. How well this propaganda is metabolized shows an incredible lack of intelligence. That’s just plain stupid!