I’m reading “The Universe and the Teacup” and am reconsidering thoughts I previously had in mathematics. One example is the popular idea that there’s something contradictory about the following statement. This sentence is false. When I was young, I simply accepted this logic of this, without thinking more deeply about it. Now I see the…
Which party am I in?
I’ve been becoming more interested in the #pirateparty here in the USA. There are a handful of active chapters, but none in the part of the country where I live. I with there was more going on. One observation I have is that other political parties are not aware of the compromise they make to…
Still Not Optimistic
I am reading a biography of Ronald Reagan (“Sleepwalking Through History” by Haynes Johnson). Donald Trump is pictured in the book and also described as a symbol of the Reagan years product of self-promoting greed, over-hyped success, and accumulation and flaunt of wealth. Inaugural balls and subsequent events gave the rich and famous ample opportunity…
Thoughts about in situ observations of stellar cores through entanglement
The photons and other particles that traverse the galaxy to reach our observatories provides a continuous stream of information and matter. If there was some way to travel up the beam, which is an old science fantasy concept, faster than the speed of light through the spooky action at a distance of entanglement, then we…
Loving Life
Watched the movie Loving (2016) tonight. Great lines in there when Virgil tells Rich that he’s a black man now, because he’s experienced the oppressive discrimination that the blacks around him are always subjected to. It is amazing to be alive on this beautiful planet. By virtue of being born, we each have a full…