We are all one humanity. From Australopithecus, four million years go, who walked this Earth like we do. With all the humans who have lived and died for thousands of years. To all the people who are alive now, Now, NOW, in this very moment at which you are considering the word you are reading…
Category: Life
How many cows do wolves kill?
Here’s a great graphic on how real the problem is, a problem that gets so much publicity and is used to justify killing the wolves that many worked so hard to re-introduce to the ecosystem.
Resource extraction and light pollution
The circled blotch of light is from an area of burning oil and gas field flares. It’s the size of Chicago! This recognition comes from an astronomy club, keenly interested in light pollution. It also illustrates the enormous scale of oil and gas fields in contemporary extraction.
How Winter Feels
Icy daggers fly on freezing winds,miniscule in size, millions in number,shrieking winds isolate all hope,sorrow deepens in growing shadows. Moonrise, cold light on snowy fields,star-shine steady in the ceiling of night,winds calm, give way to greater silence,open to possibility, a world awaits. Thankful to generations past,body gliding like a living blizzard,adapted to the nature of…