Just saw a TV commercial promoting a cap-and-trade system for carbon emissions, to cool the climate and heat up the economy. That was followed by a Burger King commercial promoting eating cows. Ain’t capitalism great? The juxtaposition of addressing a really serious, I mean, really, really, really serious problem threatening the entire world and life…
Human Rights and the Great Greed Frenzy
Just read a quote from H.R. Clinton in China, “Human rights cannot interfere with the global economic crisis, the global climate change crisis and the security crises.” She doesn’t get it. I fear that many of our leaders don’t get it. The global economic crisis is caused by the failure to respect human rights, fundamentally! Every…
The Mysterious Speed of Light
One of the great mysteries of modern (the last 100 years) physics is the constancy of the speed of light. You’ve probably seen the famous E = mc^2, or Einstein equals Mr. Speed of Light squared. That’s not related to the constancy, but c is a constant in that equation. Well, the same Einstein developed…
Furious workprecision controlled chaosa concentration excluding the Universe from ey, mind or dreamssquint, hold your breath, grunt!Stand motionless in the night. Climb highdon’t look backa life of fear doesn’t protect from death in the darknesscringe, hunched shoulders, sighSit quietly staring into space. Thunder rumbleflames burn brighta million punds push away from the bounds of earthpant,…
How Winter Feels
Icy daggers fly on freezing winds,miniscule in size, millions in number,shrieking winds isolate all hope,sorrow deepens in growing shadows. Moonrise, cold light on snowy fields,star-shine steady in the ceiling of night,winds calm, give way to greater silence,open to possibility, a world awaits. Thankful to generations past,body gliding like a living blizzard,adapted to the nature of…